MSAD #51 District Newsletter - October 20, 2023


From the Superintendent

One of the ways schools build positive culture and facilitate belonging for all students and staff is through common and shared experiences beyond the classroom, an important component of the district's strategic priority of Wellness. This Fall, all of our schools have emphasized engaging and interactive school-wide activities to further connect all members of our school community. Below are examples of some recent culture-building experiences:

GHS Homecoming Dance

GHS twin

Spirit Days: Dress-Alike Days @ GHS (above) and GMS (below)


barbie and ken

GMS “Barbie & Ken” Day

cross country
Athletics: Girls X-Country won Western Maine Class B title

Community service: "Socktober" campaign at GMS 4-5 for families that are unhoused


GHS student Molly Mulligan takes the mic at a volleyball game to bring awareness to mental illness & the school's partnership with the KyleCares program

Jeff Porter

Notices from the Office of the Superintendent

Firearm Safety

A message from Cumberland Police Chief Charles Rumsey:

Today is the day to think about the safe storage of firearms. If you have children, or if children visit your home, it's imperative to ensure that they do not have access to firearms or ammunition (in your residence or vehicle). There are many options available to you for securing firearms, and most are inexpensive. If your child is going to a friend's house, it's okay to ask the friend's parents, "are any firearms in your home locked away?" Children are naturally curious - this helps them learn and develop. However, their natural curiosity about firearms, coupled with irresponsible gun ownership, could easily result in a tragedy. When the time is right, talk to your children and let them know that if they ever encounter a firearm, unless under your direct supervision, they should not touch it, leave the area immediately, and tell an adult. Take a minute today to commit yourself to safety. Please?


For free gun locks, to surrender wanted firearms and ammunition, or to discuss safe firearms storage options, call me at 558-9108 or email me at


Stay Connected

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Like us on Facebook at MSAD #51
Find us Instagram @msad_51
YouTube Channel MSAD #51
School News App by Edlio (follow these brief instructions HERE to download the app)

Check out our new robust Youtube Channel! You will be able to view not only Board of Director meetings but sporting events, student presentations and other recorded events. Make sure to subscribe!

MSAD #51 Board of Directors Information

All meetings will take place at 6:00 pm in the Gyger Room at Greely High School.  For those of you unfamiliar with that room, the Gyger Room can be accessed from the GHS parking lot (the side without the electronic sign).

October 25 - Joint Meeting with Cumberland Town Council and North Yarmouth Select Board at Westcustugo Hall & North Yarmouth Community Center, 6PM

Remember you can watch our meetings on YouTube LIVE (

Meeting Dates, Agendas& Minutes
Board ofDirectors Meeting Videos


Useful Links

Employment Opportunities

MSAD #51 Website

2018-2023 Strategic Plan

District Calendar

GHS Athletics Schedule

Greely Center for the Arts Events


If you would like something included in our weekly newsletter, please send a brief write up with title along with a JPEG or PNG image of your flyer (if applicable) to Melissa Porter for approval. The deadline each week is Sunday. Any requests received after Sunday will be reviewed for possible submission in the following week's newsletter. All approved submissions will be posted on the district's website.

Not all items in this email are MSAD #51 sponsored programs. If you need more information, please contact the group ororganization that is sponsoring the event.

Maine School Administrative District #51
357 Tuttle Road, PO Box 6A, Cumberland, ME 04021
Contact Us   |   207.829.4800