Update from the Superintendent - June 6, 2024

It couldn't have been a more beautiful afternoon for a graduation ceremony. Last Sunday, 149 members of the Greely Class of 2024 walked across the outdoor amphitheater to receive their diplomas, turn their tassels, and join the 143 years of Greely alum who preceded them. The Class of 2024 is known for its talent, hard work, leadership, kindness, and decency. They left their mark on GHS and MSAD #51, and we are all better for it. Thank you, a fond farewell, and very best wishes, Class of 2024!

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Monte Selby will be joining Greely Middle School as the new grades 6-8 Principal, replacing Mar-E Trebilcock, who will be assuming the role of Director of Academic Services for the district. Both administrators will begin their new positions in July.  

A reminder that two referendum questions are before voters this coming Tuesday, June 11: The 2024-25 budget and proposed new primary school/ one campus project. If you are searching for the facts about this project, please refer to the information below and on the district's school project webpage (see link below).

  • School enrollment projections from 2009 predicting a large decrease never materialized.
  • Four subsequent independent enrollment studies conducted in 2016, 2019, 2022, and 2023 have all confirmed increasing student enrollment for at least the next decade.
  • Mabel I. Wilson School exceeded its capacity limit beginning in 2015.
  • Greely Middle School exceeded its capacity limit beginning in 2021.
  • 34% of all PK-8 students are learning in temporary space right now, with 29 modular classrooms in use.
  • Without a permanent solution, by 2034 the percentage of PK-8 students learning in modular classrooms will reach 52%.
  • Lease payments for modular classrooms now cost MSAD 51 taxpayers $563,836 annually.
  • Lease payments, absent a permanent plan, will cost $934,000 annually by 2034 in order to accommodate projected enrollment.
  • The district has already expended $3,857,039 over the last decade on temporary space leases and accompanying setup costs.
  • Absent a permanent plan, temporary space will cost an additional $6,987,796 over the next 10 years. 
  • Temporary space will cost $10,844,835 over the 19-year period between 2015-34 without a new school building.
  • The proposed on-campus plan is $20 million less than the 80 Gray Rd. project design that failed at the polls in 2022.
  • One-time operating expense increases for the new school are 44% less than the 80 Gray Rd. project.
  • The proposed plan addresses multiple improvement areas on campus, including the need for a 4th school facility, addition and renovation at MIW, parking and traffic upgrades, new maintenance building, and turf field to extend play space on campus.
  • The proposed plan has built-in expansion points at the new primary school, MIW, and GMS that can respond to unanticipated enrollment increases in the future.
  • The proposed plan allows the district to continue the one-campus model that has been in place since 2014. Without any one of the components listed above, this plan would not be adequate in retaining the one-campus design.
  • The financial plan for this project has been carefully staged between 2026-32 in order to take full advantage of a major drop in debt service scheduled for 2031-32, softening the tax effect in any given year. Use the tax impact calculator provided at the link below to generate your own home's estimated tax effect related to this project.

In order to help make the most informed decisions at the polls on June 11, please refer to 2024-25 budget and School Project for all information related to these two critically important referendum items.