MSAD #51 District Newsletter - September 3, 2024

From the Superintendent

We are off and running! A brand new school year has brought with it the wonderful smiles and excitement that accompanies the typical first-day nervousness. It's so great to see the campus alive again with the energy of our students, staff, and families who make Greely what it is each and every day. The school year is like a storybook, with a distinct beginning, middle, and end. Good beginnings make for great stories. Here's to a great 2024-25 year!

This week's schedule is intentionally staggered to help with transitions. Grade 9 students had the high school to themselves today as part of the onboarding experience, being joined by their older schoolmates in grades 10-12 on Wednesday. Kindergarteners arrive on Thursday, followed by Pre-K on Friday, with the full 2,200 student body ready for the first full week of school on September 9.  

If you have been on campus recently, you may have noticed a number of facility upgrades that have been made over the summer months, much of which had been deferred for years as our attention (and funds) were often diverted due to modular classroom installation. A few of the areas that have received attention this summer include, among others:

  • Many hallways, common areas, and classrooms have been repainted in all schools;
  • New exterior windows for MIW’s Tuttle Road section (new exterior doors are on backorder and will be installed later this Fall);
  • New tile in main hallways at MIW;
  • New sandbox with awning at MIW, along with rehabbed grass play area;
  • New lobby flooring at GMS;
  • Stage wall replaced at GMS;
  • Playground retaining wall replaced with ADA ramp connector;
  • Outdoor student eating area renovated at GHS;
  • Exterior windows installed in the GHS cafe for natural light;
  • Several worn hallway doors replaced for security at GHS; and
  • Interior and exterior cameras equipped on all buses in the fleet for safety.

On Thursday, the Board is scheduled to vote on the membership of the ad hoc Building Committee and Turf Field Subcommittee, officially kicking off the One Campus project. Regular project updates will be provided in this newsletter, on our district website, on Facebook and Instagram, and at Board meetings. Just a reminder that our district newsletter distribution has shifted this year to Monday afternoons unless there is a holiday, in which case it will be sent out on Tuesday afternoon.

My very best for a joyful first week as we return to school!

Jeff Porter

Last week, we had the pleasure of welcoming all staff members back. Pictured is the GHS team enjoying lunch on the newly updated patio.

Another successful Grade 9 onboarding today. We look forward to seeing everyone return this week!

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MSAD #51 Board of Directors Information

All meetings will take place at 6:00 pm in the Gyger Room at Greely High School.  For those of you unfamiliar with that room, the Gyger Room can be accessed from the GHS parking lot (the side without the electronic sign).

September 5 - Regular Meeting

Remember you can watch our meetings on YouTube LIVE (

Meeting Dates, Agendas & Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting Videos

Community Notices

Community Notices are not affiliated with MSAD #51.  Please contact the organization directly with any questions.  For a full listing of Community Notices, please click HERE.

Hashi - Maine 2024

Useful Links

Employment Opportunities

MSAD #51 Website

2018-2023 Strategic Plan

District Calendar

GHS Athletics Schedule

Greely Center for the Arts Events


If you would like something included in our weekly newsletter, please send a brief write up with title along with a JPEG or PNG image of your flyer (if applicable) to Melissa Porter for approval. The deadline each week is Wednesday. Any requests received after Wednesday will be reviewed for possible submission in the following week's newsletter. All approved submissions will be posted on the district's website.

Not all items in this email are MSAD #51 sponsored programs. If you need more information, please contact the group or organization that is sponsoring the event.

Maine School Administrative District #51
357 Tuttle Road, PO Box 6A, Cumberland, ME 04021
Contact Us   |   207.829.4800