MSAD #51 District Newsletter - November 25, 2024

From the Superintendent

In last week's newsletter, I noted the three recent athletic state championships that continue a long Ranger tradition of excellence. Over the past weekend, another long tradition continued with four sold out performances of Mama Mia! artfully produced, choreographed, and acted with stellar skill, and accompanied by world-class musical accompaniment. With over 2,000 attending the weekend renditions of the fabled musical held at the Greely Center for the Arts, my hat is off to all students who assisted in the theatrical production in any way, whether on stage, behind the scenes, in the tech booth, or in the pit. Special thanks to director Jennifer Fox, who doubles as the GHS theater teacher, managing to build a cluster of theater courses from scratch in just two years time that has attracted steadily growing numbers of interested students.

As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday week, I gave thanks for all that our amazing school community has to offer. Our students are talented, high-performing, and kind. Our faculty, staff, and administrators are dedicated, caring, and skillful. Our families are proud, committed, and supportive of their children's schools. Indeed, we have much to be thankful for. My very best for a happy and fulfilling Thanksgiving!

Jeff Porter

A 4th sold out production of Mama Mia! about to begin on Sunday afternoon at the Greely Center for the Arts.

Notices from the Office of the Superintendent

Superintendent's Report

Click here to view the latest Superintendent's Report.

Pertussis (whooping cough) cases

There has recently been an increase in the cases of Pertussis (whooping cough) throughout the district. Specifically the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) has opened a pertussis outbreak investigation due to multiple cases of pertussis at Greely High School. Pertussis is an infection caused by bacteria. It affects the airways and spreads easily from person to person by coughing or sneezing. Pertussis usually begins with symptoms of a common cold (sore throat, runny nose, mild cough), and often develops into a severe cough. The severe cough leads to coughing fits and/or vomiting. The cough is often worse at night. Early symptoms can last 1-2 weeks. Symptoms usually begin 5-10 days after exposure but can take up to 3 weeks. People infected with pertussis are most contagious for 2 weeks after the cough begins.

Anyone can get pertussis, including people who have had the pertussis vaccine. Pertussis can cause serious and sometimes deadly complications for babies, especially those who have not received all recommended pertussis vaccines.

What you should do:

If you or your child has a severe cough (including uncontrollable coughing fits, coughing to the point of gagging, vomiting after coughing, or difficulty breathing):

  • Make an appointment with a health care provider. Tell them about the possible exposure so they can test for pertussis.
  • Stay home and/or keep your child home from school and activities, such as sports or play groups, until you receive test results.

If a health care provider diagnosed you or your child with pertussis:

  • Stay home and/or keep your child home from school and activities, such as sports or play groups, until your child has completed 5 days of antibiotic treatment.
  • All household and high-risk close contacts (including infants younger than 12 months, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems) should be treated with antibiotics to prevent pertussis infection.

Anyone with symptoms of pertussis infection should stay home until they complete antibiotic treatment. Those without symptoms do not need to stay home while completing treatment.

If you or your child does not have symptoms, you/they do not need to be tested or excluded from activities. However, you should monitor for symptoms and seek care if you/they become sick with the symptoms described above.

Encourage your child to practice good hygiene to prevent the spread of disease:

  • Cover nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer.

Please make sure your family’s vaccinations are up to date. Older children and adults, including pregnant women, should get a pertussis booster shot called “Tdap” to help protect themselves and babies around them. Contact a health care provider to schedule a vaccination appointment or call the Maine Immunization Program at 1-800-867-4775 to find a vaccine provider near you.
You can find more information about pertussis at If you have any questions or concerns, please email your school nurse, call your healthcare provider directly, or call Maine CDC at 1-800-821-5821.

The current cases at MSAD #51 are as follows:

GHS: 1
GMS: 0
MIW: 0

Mabel I. Wilson School                                                                 
Christina Givans: [email protected]
Alex Higgins: [email protected]                                     

Greely Middle School    
Lora Rolfe: [email protected] 
Meaghan Riemer: [email protected]   

Greely High School
Erica Sarapas: [email protected]   

Stay Connected 

Click on the icon above to connect with MSAD #51.
Find all the ways MSAD #51 shares information here.

MSAD #51 Board of Directors Information

All meetings will take place at 6:00 pm in the Gyger Room at Greely High School.  For those of you unfamiliar with that room, the Gyger Room can be accessed from the GHS parking lot (the side without the electronic sign).

December 5 - Regular Meeting

Remember you can watch our meetings on YouTube LIVE (

Meeting Dates, Agendas & Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting Videos

One Campus Project Information

For comprehensive information regarding the School Building Project, please visit the project page at:

Artificial Turf Subcommittee

In case you missed the last Board of Directors meeting, you can find the presentation of the subcommittee's recommendations and discussion below.
Video Presentation
Slide Presentation

Community Partners

Our Community Partners are strong supporters of various areas of the school.  Without them, our students would not have many of the wonderful opportunities and experiences that they receive.

Minted Holiday Fundraiser

Name Bubbles Fundraiser

Community Notices

Community Notices are not affiliated with MSAD #51.  Please contact the organization directly with any questions.  For a full listing of Community Notices, please click HERE.

17th Annual Turkey Trot

Useful Links

Employment Opportunities

MSAD #51 Website

Strategic Plan

District Calendar

GHS Athletics Schedule

Greely Center for the Arts Events


If you would like something included in our weekly newsletter, please send a brief write up with title along with a JPEG or PNG image of your flyer (if applicable) to Melissa Porter for approval. The deadline each week is Wednesday. Any requests received after Wednesday will be reviewed for possible submission in the following week's newsletter. All approved submissions will be posted on the district's website.

Not all items in this email are MSAD #51 sponsored programs. If you need more information, please contact the group or organization that is sponsoring the event.

Maine School Administrative District #51
357 Tuttle Road, PO Box 6A, Cumberland, ME 04021
Contact Us   |   207.829.4800