Update from the Superintendent - January 27, 2025

This is part 3 of an intermittent multi-series taking a closer look at the MSAD #51 Data Dashboard, with a continued focus on demographic data this week. Please note that this dashboard represents data from the last reporting period (2023-24 school year), with updates released annually in October.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal law that requires schools to accommodate and provide access to learning for students with physical and mental disabilities or impairments. This includes any health and academic-related impairments that interfere with a major life function, such as learning. As we have built up supports in other areas, like MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support), the numbers of students requiring a 504 Plan has been decreasing over the years, from a high of 13.2% in 2016-17 to a low of 8.2% last year, or about 185 students district-wide. 

On a different note, the number of risk assessments for behaviors where there is a concern about a student possibly causing injury to themselves or others has more than doubled since 2021 to 49 students, or just over 2% of the total district population. This has followed a national and state trend of more serious issues presented by some students in the post-pandemic era. Over the last three years, we have added social workers to our schools and have a PK-12 mental health/risk assessment coordinator who follows up with students and families when there are elevated risk assessment results in order to be proactive when issues arise.

Finally, the district's substantiated bullying cases, those reportable to the state Department of Education, have remained under 10 annually over the last several years, as compared to a decade ago. Substantiated bullying cases are those that meet multiple criteria indicators outlined in district policy and state law. Our schools have made concerted efforts, in line with the district's strategic priorities, to build cultures free of bullying. Check out Physical & Emotional Safety in MSAD #51 schools to learn more.