Board of Directors » Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Members of the Board
School Board Meetings
School Board meeting videos
Board meetings are held in the Gyger Room at Greely High School and will begin at 6:00 PM, unless otherwise noted
Participating In School Board Meetings, Watching Meetings or Reading Meeting Minutes
The public has access to MSAD #51 School Board meetings in the following ways:
Important: Be sure to include your name and town of residence if you are a MSAD #51 resident, or position if you are an employee.
  • If you would like to speak during public comment, request access to the school board meeting
  • WITH a Google Account: email request to join to [email protected]
  • WITHOUT a Google Account: Create a FREE Google Account and then request to join using that new google account
Please contact the Central Office (Superintendent’s Office) at 829-4800, if you need assistance.