Board of Directors » Curriculum Committee

Curriculum Committee

Committee Members

Christina Mitchell, Board Member, Chair
Sara Rose, Board Member
Anneke Hohl, Board Member
Katie Wallace, Board Student Rep.
Riley Record, Student Rep
Leanne Candura, Ex Officio    
Mar-E Trebilcock, Director of Academic Services
Jeff Porter, Superintendent


The purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to stay connected to, and provide broad oversight of,
current academic priorities as outlined in the district’s Strategic Plan.
  1. Approve major changes in academic practice, including but not limited to:
    • New academic programs;
    • Elimination of academic programs;
    • Shift in programming philosophy

  2. Monitor and evaluate district and school-level academic goals through the Strategic Planning and Site-level Improvement Planning (SLIP) process.

  3. Schedule and hear presentations from various staff groups regarding pertinent academic issues and changes.